Menopausal sleep disturbance in women

Menopause insomnia is a fairly common occurrence. This is the reaction of the body to a change in the level of hormones: the level of hormones that regulate biorhythms fluctuates, thermoregulation is disturbed. Also, estrogen deficiency provokes snoring, which leads to a decrease in sleep quality. We will tell you how to treat sleep disturbance during menopause, what folk remedies can be used to combat sleep disturbance.

Symptoms of menopausal sleep disturbance in women

Insomnia manifests itself in trouble falling asleep, troubled sleep with frequent awakenings. After them, it is usually difficult to fall asleep or even impossible.

Symptoms of insomnia are bright and easily identifiable: during the day, its symptoms appear in the form of irritability, lethargy, decreased levels of attention, distraction, and mood swings. If a person does not sleep well, does not sleep, this causes a decline in motivation for everything around. People suffering from insomnia do not leave a feeling of drowsiness during the day. Besides the fact that they are ready to fall asleep during the day wherever they can, they have headaches and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Thus, the symptoms of sleep disturbance during menopause in women include:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • daytime sleepiness;
  • feeling unwell;
  • stale complexion;
  • sharp deepening of wrinkles;
  • exacerbation of sluggish chronic diseases;
  • depression.

Before you go to the doctor with these symptoms, think about how you sleep. Often, some of these problems can be solved with a good sleep.

Treatment of menopausal sleep disorders in women

At home, you can cure a “bad dream” in several ways.


Essential oils affect women due to the fact that they have a well-developed sense of smell. Place herbal bags under the pillow or apply a few drops of essential oil on a handkerchief. Lavender scent is best: it soothes and helps to fall asleep. Aromas of chamomile can also help with insomnia.


Try listening to the “Sleep Away” meditation or meditation on a sound and healthy sleep. Calm music will help to relax, relieve stress. Meditation acts on the respiratory system, it slows down breathing and reduces stress hormone levels.


Yoga will help you get rid of stress, improve sleep quality and cope with insomnia. To practice this technique, it is not necessary to go to the studio at all – asleep asanas can also be done at home before bedtime.

Chronic insomnia (sleep disturbance that occurs at least three nights a week for three months) in any person, including a woman in menopause, is a marker of metabolic distress and health problems. In menopause, metabolic distress can be caused, including a deficiency of sex hormones, which can significantly affect sleep. According to statistics, 60% of menopausal women complain of sleep problems. Successful treatment of a woman’s sleep disorder in menopause is not the purpose of modern sleeping pills, not at all! Treatment consists in a thorough search for the cause that led to insomnia and its elimination. If the reason is a deficiency of sex hormones, for example, then an individually selected regimen of hormone replacement therapy in this case will be the treatment.

Prevention of sleep disorders in menopause in women at home

Prevention of any health problems in menopausal women, including the prevention of insomnia, is a doctor’s observation with preventive measures and lifestyle optimization, the implementation of the concept of the right lifestyle, which includes the following components: proper work, proper rest, proper sport, proper environment and proper nutrition.

If we work for more than 8 hours, practice inappropriate physical activity and mono-diets, contact with uncomfortable people and do not know how to organize our rest, insomnia and not only it, believe me, how a kind of “cry for help” of the body will make itself known.

Therefore, some tips related to the correction of lifestyle in the context of proper relaxation, which includes sleep and the formation of sleep hygiene:

  • the bedroom should be cool and quiet;
  • the last meal should be 2-3 hours before bedtime;
  • there should be a sleep and wakefulness regime;
  • limiting the use of stimulants throughout the day (sweets, nicotine, alcohol);
  • limit daytime sleep;
  • avoid vigorous exercise 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Sleep hygiene allows you to create comfortable conditions in the body for the synthesis of the hormone melatonin, which provides us with a healthy sleep.

local_offerevent_note June 5, 2020

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