Hemorrhoids after childbirth

In this article we will talk about the most sensitive and surrounded by myths and fears group of patients – pregnant and newly born girls.

Of course, one of the most common misconceptions that almost all girls are afraid of is that during pregnancy, everyone will have huge hemorrhoids. This is not true.

Indeed, girls in position have a number of additional factors that make them more likely to have proctological sores:

  1. Changes in hormonal levels with an increase in the elasticity of the pelvic floor tissues.
  2. Gradual compression of the inferior vena cava by the fetus, through which blood flows from the lower half of the body.
  3. Constipation due to the pressure of the growing uterus on the intestines.

However, even against this background, hemorrhoids disturb only about a third of pregnant women. And the strength of the symptoms can be very different – from periodic itching, to prolapsed nodes and bleeding.

Most often, symptoms appear at the end of pregnancy – in the third trimester or during childbirth. During childbirth, thrombosis of hemorrhoids or the appearance of anal fissures most often occurs.

And now the girl, among other joys of the first days of motherhood, gets in the appendage more pain in the anus, bleeding and a lack of understanding of what to do with it now …

What to do?

First, stop panicking and giving up on yourself. In half, it will pass or decrease significantly within a year after giving birth. You may be lucky to get into that 50%. Secondly, it is still possible to help you.

The simplest thing you can do yourself:

  • treatment of constipation. This point must be adhered to throughout pregnancy and in the postpartum period, including for the prevention of hemorrhoids;
  • physical activity, for example, walking to stimulate the intestines;
  • the use of 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day;
  • eating fiber-rich fruits and vegetables.

If the previous steps are ineffective

  • consumption of dietary fiber
  • exclusion from the diet of spicy food and alcohol, but in pregnant women this question is usually not worth it.

Regularly, several times a day, if you have no contraindications from the obstetrician-gynecologist, you can wash the perianal area with warm water. This can greatly relieve pain and discomfort.

Drug therapy.

The information below is not a guide to action. Before using any drugs, a doctor’s consultation is necessary, especially during the hepatitis B period.

If the anxiety caused by hemorrhoids greatly interferes with life, then it is possible to use:

  • non-hormonal preparations in the form of suppositories and ointments (Natalsid, Relief, etc.)
  • hormonal drugs to relieve inflammation (Relief Pro, Posterisan Forte, etc.) in a short course.

Before prescribing any drugs, especially hormonal ones, the severity of pain and other symptoms should be weighed, since the number of studies confirming the safety of the use of these drugs is currently insufficient.


With hepatitis B it is used very rarely, mainly when a thrombosed hemorrhoid is pinched or bleeding does not stop.

However, in some cases, it is possible to perform a sparing operation – dissection of the wall of the thrombosed hemorrhoid and evacuate the thrombus, which will lead to a rapid subside of symptoms.

local_offerevent_note April 10, 2021

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