There is ovulation, but pregnancy does not occur – why and what to do

Often, women can not become pregnant for a long time, even with regular ovulation and without visible health problems. Do not worry ahead of time. In the first year of intimate life without protection, this is normal. You need to show a little patience and everything will work out.

Worse, if conception during ovulation does not occur against a background of pathological causes. In this case, you need to visit a specialist and take tests to find the “culprit” of the problem. The possibilities of modern medicine are such that conception is possible even in the absence of ovaries or their inaction.

When to wait

According to statistics, only 25% of absolutely healthy couples become pregnant in the first 3 months of regular sexual activity without the use of contraceptives. The rest requires significantly more time. And the point here is not a violation of ovulation or health status. In addition to a mature egg, for the onset of conception, many more successful coincidences are needed.

No problem if the couple tries to get pregnant for less than 12 consecutive months. Normally, the process is given a year of regular sexual intercourse. Only after this period can we talk about pathological infertility.

Reasons why pregnancy does not occur, even if there is ovulation:

  • frequent stress, overwork;
  • an unstable cycle in which it is difficult to calculate the fertile period;
  • debilitating diets with severe restrictions;
  • prolonged violation of sleep and wakefulness;
  • focus on the problem;
  • recent diseases, recovery time after surgery.

The favorable period for pregnancy lasts 1-2 days. During this time, a mature egg should leave the ovary, exit into the fallopian tube and move on to meet the sperm.

If the body at this moment is weakened or is under the influence of external factors, the cycle may go astray and fertilization will not occur. Or implantation will not occur. In any case, partners will have to wait for the next, more successful time.

Pathological reasons why pregnancy may not occur with ovulation

The causes of diagnosed infertility are most often associated with the health status of both partners. So, in 65% of cases, pregnancy does not occur due to the female factor, the remaining 35% are men.

One of the main reasons for not pregnancy with timely ovulation is considered to be the tube factor.

Obstruction of the fallopian tubes occurs as a result of adhesion processes that impede the movement of sperm and the penetration of a fertilized oocyte into the uterine cavity. With partial fusion of the oviduct, part of the male germ cells is able to enter a narrow lumen, but a large oocyte will not pass. So there is an ectopic pregnancy.

It happens that due to the adhesion process, the pipe deviates strongly to the side, although formally it is passable. In this case, even with normal ovulation, pregnancy does not occur. In case of damage to one oviduct, conception is possible, but it will take much more time.

Endometrial pathology

As a separate cause of infertility, problems with endometrium are distinguished today. Insufficient thickness (less than 7.5 mm) of the uterine mucosa leads to impaired fertilization and implantation of the embryo.

Underdevelopment of the mucous layer can occur against a background of progesterone deficiency, poor blood supply to the pelvic area, and development of uterine endometriosis. In the latter case, tissue similar to the mucosa grows outside the body, forming adhesions and cysts. As a result, pregnancy does not occur during ovulation.

Hormonal disorders

A hormonal disorder can provoke a lengthening or shortening of the cycle, thinning of the endometrium and other processes that interfere with conception.

The most common cause of failure of pregnancy is a lack of progesterone or LH – a hormone that stimulates ovulation. With a lack of thyroid hormones, the embryo cannot attach to the uterus or initially develops with abnormalities, which makes pregnancy difficult to achieve.

What to do

Whatever the reasons for the absence of pregnancy, planning is best to start with a trip to the doctor. In addition, a woman should tidy up her health and weight, a man should give up alcohol and smoking, change nutrition and make a spermogram.

How to increase the chances of conception

If the absence of pregnancy is not associated with a state of health, the following recommendations will help increase the likelihood of conception:

  • to have sexual intercourse every 3 days;
  • track ovulation at home using a fertility test, basal temperature measurements, or a calendar method;
  • eat well;
  • take vitamin supplements and folic acid;
  • abandon excessively active physical activity;
  • reduce the likelihood of stress, establish a clear daily routine;
  • get rid of bad habits.

An important role in the onset of pregnancy is played by the psychoemotional state of a woman. A focus on the problem prevents conception even in the case of normal ovulation. Therefore, the expectant mother needs to relax, tune in a positive way and stop tormenting herself with reproaches and fears.

local_offerevent_note June 3, 2020

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