The consequences of menopause, part I

Of course, such a large-scale and important stage, like menopause, cannot but bring new laws, rules, nuances to the life of our body. Again, not in terms of pathology – that will introduce us to its “innovations” much earlier than the climax ends. So far we are talking only about the inevitable changes that are closely associated with it and are its consequence. Although, it should be noted, many of these consequences very closely border precisely the disease – especially if you do not observe their development and try to put them under control.

First of all, in the postmenopausal period, degenerative phenomena of the musculoskeletal system are noticeably accelerated. They are manifested first by strengthening, increasing pain in the muscles, crunching in the joints. If we have previously been diagnosed with arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, etc., we should be prepared for the fact that it will “forward”. Yes, so playfully that we will be surprised for sure. Muscular and bone degeneration, traditionally, is more noticeable to men than women who are not used to relying on muscle strength and bone endurance even before menopause. However, the severity of this effect is the same in both sexes. At the same time, in women, it is bone destruction that often manifests itself much more strongly – due to the general lack of bone mass inherent in the weaker sex. Most often, osteoporosis is an increase in bone fragility and porosity due to leaching of calcium from its tissues.

Osteoporosis is detected in a patient either by accident or after an episode of a bone fracture in a situation from the “from scratch” series, that is, under the most common conditions that do not threaten trauma while the bones are healthy. Both sexes are characterized by changes in the mucous membranes of the external genital tract – the urethra, bladder, and vagina. Moreover, these changes are also unlikely to please, because they include thinning of the mucous layer and a decrease in the secretion of sebum by the sebaceous glands in these places.

However, the postmenopausal period in both sexes generally ends with an increase in dry skin – throughout the body, not only on the genitals. Another thing is that the permeability of the skin of the genital organs for infection is always higher than that of the skin of the trunk. It itself is thinner and more sensitive than ordinary skin – for that reason there is such a thick, constantly renewed layer of sebum … Especially for a number of reasons, the genitals are almost an ideal place for the reproduction of the pathogen. Firstly, due to the presence of their own microflora, which includes many bacteria that are not only useful, but also safe only in a certain amount. That is, potential pathogens that may or may not cause it, depending on the conditions surrounding them. Secondly, because in the inguinal folds, urethra, and vagina, it is always, primitively, warm and moist – in a word, very comfortable for any kind of microorganism. Especially if the patient does not follow thorough body hygiene or does not adhere to the rules of safe sexual contacts.

Post-menopausal changes in the structure of the skin itself are not dangerous. But they require additional lubrication during intercourse (lubricants) and, of course, more thoughtful daily skin care for the whole body. All these processes only increase the risk of infection – especially with damage, including sexual intercourse. In addition, post-menopausal changes often disrupt the activity of the bladder and, most importantly, its own defense mechanisms. The relationship here is also simple: part of the hormones from the blood is inevitably excreted by the kidneys – that is, with urine. This explains a number of its therapeutic properties, which, however, should not be overestimated after a number of modern healers.

In other words, a change in the hormonal background in the blood directly affects the composition of urine. Plus, by this moment we already have a decrease in the protective forces of the urethral membrane … One plus the other can contribute to the spread of pathogens in an ascending fashion. And not necessarily third-party ones – they can also freely belong to their own microflora of the external genital organs. For example, the dubious honor of causing cystitis here may belong to the fungus Candida, the causative agent of candidiasis. Normally, this fungus is not characteristic of the microflora of the male and female genital tract. That is, with him we are not born and do not grow up.

A fungus of the genus Candida is transmitted sexually – from an infected partner to a healthy one. Usually, immediately after infection, the patient develops a disease. It is treated quite simply, but it is impossible to completely get rid of this pathogen. Therefore, the disappearance of the symptoms of candidiasis only means that the population of the fungus has decreased to a safe amount. The otherwise healthy environment and the microflora of the genital tract inhibits the reproduction of this fungus more successfully than any antibiotics. Therefore, in itself, it is not too dangerous, and gets along with natural microflora quite organically.

A recurrence of candidiasis is usually caused by a pathological change in the acid-base environment of the genital tract or a violation of the composition of healthy microflora. In particular, this happens with antibiotic treatment, which is carried out for another reason. In our case, the Candida fungus, the presence of which we had time to forget, can begin to spread up the urethra. And only because the conditions for its “expansion” with the advent of menopause have improved significantly.

The next stage of postmenopausal changes relates to metabolism. It is no secret that many representatives of both sexes gain weight significantly during the period of perimenopause. And that in the future this trend only intensifies. The phenomenon of weight gain is characteristic of both men and women, although in women it is more common. The latter pattern is associated with an overall large percentage of body fat. And also with the fact that some products of the breakdown of glucose in cells in chemical form are similar to endorphin – the hormone of rest, poise and other attributes of happiness.

As we may know, this similarity explains the craving for sweets in everyone who has experienced stress or is upset. Women with their natural frequent mood swings are especially prone to this. The level of endorphin in the blood increases sharply, including during orgasm. Therefore, climacteric fluctuations in the background of sex hormones often increase cravings for products that spoil the figure, but improve mood, as confectionery. Women, as we just said, are more exposed to this simple instinct more than men, but not by much. In the stronger sex, the hormonal background is more stable, and this significantly stabilizes the activity of the cortex, along with feelings, mood, manner of reacting to various stimuli …

However, depending on how our background will turn out in the end (which hormone will take the place of the main one), we can, and vice versa, lose weight. Suppose in our time, with his physical inactivity and chronic obesity, such a scenario is less common, but still occurs. The fact is that in the female body, the place of the disappeared estrogen is often occupied not by prolactin, but by testosterone. And when this happens, a woman gets a real chance to improve the shape of her body, even compared to youth. It is in women who did not notice the change and did not assess its consequences on time that in postmenopausal age “tendrils” above the upper lip and a male “beard” may appear.

Older women with such a “decoration” on their faces are both thin and full. But let’s draw attention to the fact that it is much less common in thin women who maintain excellent physical shape. And this happens because testosterone is consumed during physical exertion. They cause muscle growth, but also significantly reduce the level of this hormone in the blood. In other words, older athletes instinctively do the right thing. In fact, they direct the hormone, which has become the main one in their body, to be spent on needs of a positive nature, which significantly slows down the development of the negative aspects of its work.

As for men, the mass gain among them is associated with the same mechanism, only acting in the opposite direction. As the synthesis of testosterone is inhibited in their blood, estrogen levels may well rise. By the way, many cases of apparent fullness among men over 50 are accompanied by phenomena that are hard to miss. Namely, the loosening of fat masses, the appearance of cellulite sites (typically a female form of obesity!) On the buttocks and even forearms. In many men with such signs, a beard begins to grow worse, excessive sweating and often mood swings appear. In a word, a rather large percentage of signs normal for the opposite sex. The decrease in body weight with age in representatives of the stronger sex is found as infrequently as in the fair sex. However, it must be said that at this age this option is much more preferable.

local_offerevent_note November 8, 2019

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