What are. Combined contraceptives come in the form of pills, vaginal rings, and patches.
Who are they suitable for? Most healthy non-smoking women before menopause. However, all people (and drugs) are different, so you need to select pills together with a gynecologist.
Who are not suitable. Nursing mothers, women over 35 who smoke more than 15 cigarettes a day, and women suffering from cardiovascular diseases, cancer, bleeding disorders, migraine with aura, complicated diabetes and liver disease.
Before prescribing a combined contraceptive, the doctor should ask the patient in detail about the state of health and measure the blood pressure. The drug is not suitable for women with arterial hypertension. If the pressure is below 140/90 mm Hg. Art., the medicine can be used.
If more than 5 days have passed since the last menstrual period, so as not to get pregnant, you need to use additional methods of contraception for another week. If less than 5 days have passed since the last menstrual period, additional contraception is not needed. If a woman does not have a menstrual cycle, and she is not pregnant, you can start drinking the drug on any day of the cycle. Just in case, you need to use additional methods of contraception for another week.
Combined contraceptives are not recommended for the first 3-6 weeks after the baby is born. This will reduce the risk of thromboembolism.
How to use. The tablets must be taken one piece a day at the same time. If you miss even one day, there is a small risk of getting pregnant.
Most modern combination drugs are 21 tablets, after which a woman does not take the drug for 7 days, or 24 tablets with an active ingredient and 4 “pacifiers” without an active ingredient. These pills are more convenient because they can be taken continuously.
- Women with irregular periods can help normalize their cycle
- Reduce the amount of menstrual flow by 40-50%
- Reduce menstrual pain in 70-80% of patients
- Can be used to treat acne
- Reduces blood loss and pain in fibroids and endometriosis
- Reduce the risk of certain cancers (ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer, and colorectal cancer)
- Strengthens bones
- Must be taken every day at the same time
- Not recommended for nursing mothers
- Not suitable for everyone: there are contraindications
- Side effects: from smearing discharge in the first month of admission to headaches and depression
What if I missed a pill or forgot the patch?
Contraceptives with progestins: pills. If you remember about a missed pill within 3 hours, just drink it and continue taking as usual. Two days after that, you will have to additionally protect yourself.
If you remembered the pill later, the recommendations are the same. The only problem is that the reliability of contraception in this situation is a big question. If you forget about pills all the time, you may be better off with another method of contraception. Contraceptives with progestins: injections.
If you are less than 2 weeks late with the injection, just give it – no additional contraceptive measures are needed. If longer – too. The main thing is to make sure that you are not pregnant and use additional protection for a week.
Combined contraceptives: pills. If you remember about a missed pill within two days, just take it, and then continue taking the pills “on schedule.” It’s okay if you have to take two tablets in one day. In addition, you do not need to protect yourself.
If more than two days have passed, you only need to take the last missed pill, and then drink on schedule. True, in this case, you will have to use additional methods of contraception for a week – for example, a condom.
The risk of getting pregnant depends on which pill you forgot about. If this happens at the beginning or at the end of taking the tablets with the active substance, the chance of getting pregnant is higher. In this situation, it is worth consulting with your doctor and insuring yourself, even if less than 2 days have passed.
Combined contraceptives: ring, patch. If less than two days have passed, simply insert a new ring or apply a patch. Additional protection is not necessary. If more than 2 days have passed, use a contraceptive and additionally protect yourself for a week. It is worth consulting your doctor: if you have had unprotected contacts, you may need emergency methods of contraception.