Effect of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands on reproductive function

The thyroid gland produces two iodaminic acid hormones – triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxin (T4), which are the most important regulators of metabolism, development and differentiation of all tissues of the body, especially thyroxin. Thyroid hormones


The thyroid gland produces two iodaminic acid hormones – triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxin (T4), which are the most important regulators of metabolism, development and differentiation of all tissues of the body, especially thyroxin. Thyroid hormones

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Menstrual cycle changes

Cyclic changes in the endometrium relate to its functional (surface) layer, consisting of compact epithelial cells, which are rejected during menstruation. The basal layer, which is not rejected during this period, ensures the restoration of


Cyclic changes in the endometrium relate to its functional (surface) layer, consisting of compact epithelial cells, which are rejected during menstruation. The basal layer, which is not rejected during this period, ensures the restoration of

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Hormonal ovarian function

The growth, maturation of the follicles in the ovaries and the formation of the corpus luteum are accompanied by the production of sex hormones by both the granular cells of the follicle and the cells


The growth, maturation of the follicles in the ovaries and the formation of the corpus luteum are accompanied by the production of sex hormones by both the granular cells of the follicle and the cells

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Menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle is genetically determined, cyclically repetitive changes in a woman’s body, especially in the links of the reproductive system, the clinical manifestation of which is blood discharge from the genital tract (menstruation). The


The menstrual cycle is genetically determined, cyclically repetitive changes in a woman’s body, especially in the links of the reproductive system, the clinical manifestation of which is blood discharge from the genital tract (menstruation). The

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Examination of children with gynecological diseases

Examination of children with gynecological diseases differs in many respects from the examination of adults. Children, especially when they first go to the gynecologist, are anxious, afraid, embarrassed and uncomfortable with the upcoming examination. First


Examination of children with gynecological diseases differs in many respects from the examination of adults. Children, especially when they first go to the gynecologist, are anxious, afraid, embarrassed and uncomfortable with the upcoming examination. First

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